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The upcoming monthly Sunday Services will be held on the third Sunday of each month, on the dates 8/18, 9/15, 10/20...


On September 15, 2024 our Special Spiritual Guest will be Rabbi David Rosen


Join us for our September Sunday service as Victoria Moran speaks with Rabbi David Rosen. In addition to his decades of work in improving relations between those of different faiths, Rabbi Rosen also advocates for improved relations between humans and animals, as well as nurturing and protecting the planet we share. As an Orthodox rabbi, a committed Jew and a committed vegan, Rabbi Rosen believes that compassion should not be reserved for one isolated segment of society. He believes it should reach across the lines of species to express a universal and expansive action of caring for the entire world. 


Rabbi David Rosen has been advancing understanding between religious communities for more than forty years—from the time he served as rabbi of the largest Orthodox Jewish congregation in South Africa, during his tenure as Chief Rabbi of Ireland; and throughout the last more than thirty years based in Jerusalem. He is currently serving as Special Advisor to the Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi.


In addition to interreligious representation and education, his work involves mediation and peace building and he is heavily involved in multi-religious engagement on ecological issues. Among the various awards and recognition he has received, Rabbi Rosen was granted a papal Knighthood in 2005 for his contribution to Jewish-Catholic reconciliation and in 2010 he was made a CBE (Commander of the British Empire) by H.M. Queen Elizabeth II for his work promoting interfaith understanding and cooperation.


In his message to the Faith for the Environment Coalition of the United Nations Environment Program, he said the imperative to care for our environment is of course, enlightened self-interest of all, for everything else can be compared to rearranging the chairs on the deck of the Titanic as we head for a massive disaster.


He went on to say that those of us who believe that our world is a creation, “the environment is the manifestation of the Divine Presence and the degree to which we care for it is the degree to which we care for it is the degree to which we demonstrate our love of God. Its degradation and our failure to care for it, is in fact our failure to live up to religious imperative. So care for the environment must be of paramount religious duty of all people of faith and it is as I say, the imperative for all human beings for the well-being of society, of humanity, and of nature as a whole.”


Learn more about Rabbi Rosen and his lifetime of work at his website,


Watch Rabbi David Rosen speaking with Victoria for the  Main Street Vegan Academy.

Our Compassion in Action guest on September 15  will be Reverend Marshall Hammer

Rev Marshall.webp

Reverend Marshall Hammer serves in many roles as an advocate, healer, and minister, but she is most familiar to the Compassion Consortium as the Program Coordinator for the Animal Chaplaincy Training program. She assists the program director by facilitating program components and student technology as well as leading "listening room" experiences and supporting students in various capacities.


Marshall is an Interfaith/Interspiritual Minister and Reiki Practitioner. Her ministry is composed of multiple callings and passions, all devoted to offering healing presence. She specializes in Animal Reiki and Animal Chaplaincy, though she also uses Reiki with humans, both remotely and in person.

After a near-decade of advocacy for folks experiencing grief after suicide loss, including facilitating monthly support groups for those holding this specific grief, Marshall is expanding her companioning work with survivors. She gained knowledge and experience from serving on the NC Chapter Board of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. She continues to serve on the Loss & Healing and Public Policy Committees.


Marshall co-hosted the Wonder Queer Podcast alongside Rev. Elia Singer, amplifying stories of everyday wonderment and awe in queer lives. She believes everyone benefits from being seen and accepted exactly where and who they are. She feels most alive in spaces where grief is present. (Then again, where isn't it?) Marshall lives in the Tsalaguwetiyi (East Cherokee) Territory known today as Asheville, North Carolina.


Learn more about her Reiki work at


When: The third Sunday of each month (see upcoming dates at top of this page)

  • Service from 4 pm - 5:30 pm U.S. Eastern Time

  • Fellowship is available after the service


How: Currently via Zoom. Register for link.


Why:  We recognize that many people do not see their deeply rooted compassion for all creatures reflected in some houses of worship and that some people have left their religion of birth or choice for this reason. The Compassion Consortium is here to supplement this "missing piece" for persons who are part of another religious or spiritual community, and those who are not. We welcome participants of all faiths or none. Learn more about us.


Creative programming: Each month's program is unique, and features either a solo presentation or panel discussion with experts from various religious and philosophical traditions who share the conviction that all living kind, and the planet itself, deserve respect, justice, and loving kindness. View replays of our past services here,


Spiritual practices: Each service also includes elements of traditional worship services—such as music, meditation, and movement. We hope these practices help each participant personally express faith, gratitude, and celebration to the degree that they wish to participate.


4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Eastern time

Guided by: 

Reverend William Melton

 Reverend Sarah Bowen

Victoria Moran

 Welcome and Introduction


The Compassion Consortium Tenets of Agreement 


Song of Compassion


Interspecies Spiritual Practice


Conversation with Guest Speaker


Compassion in Action: A Short Story


Blessings & Prayers


Spiritual Fellowship & Open Discussion 




The Compassion Consortium is organized pursuant to the New York Not-for Profit Corporation Law and Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and operates as a not-for-profit spiritual, educational, and charitable organization. Accordingly, we request that political, partisan and lobbying discussions and activities be avoided in the Consortium’s activities, forums and social media platforms. We also request that all discussions, input and contributions be conducted with decorum and in a positive spirit of respect, tolerance, civility and harmony.

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