Sure, Beyonce wants you to be vegan.
But what about God?
This touching documentary film follows filmmaker Thomas Jackson on a quest that crisscrosses America and takes him to Morocco for the UN Climate Conference and throughout the Indian subcontinent to ask the question, “Can compassion grow to include all beings? Can people who identify as religious or spiritual come to embrace the call to include all human and nonhuman beings in our circle of respect and caring and love?”
Available on Amazon Prime and Vimeo
or CLICK HERE to order the DVD

Hundreds of books offer diet advice.
Genesis may be the best one ever.
Drawing on traditions including Christianity (evangelical, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Friends (Quakers), Seventh Day Adventism, Unity, and more); Judaism; Islam; Hinduism; Buddhism; Jainism; indigenous American traditions; Unitarian Universalism; Zoroastrianism; and the “spiritual but not religious” point of view — A Prayer for Compassion calls on people of faith and spiritual seekers of every stripe to come together to bring about a world in which “The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat. . . .They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” (Isaiah 11:6 and 11:9)
Watch Plant-Based News video interview with filmmaker Thomas Jackson and producer Victora Moran
Cast Includes:
Production Team:
Pramoda Chitrabhanu, Jain scholar and author
Jeffrey Cohan, president, JewishVeg
Rev. Ellen Debenport, vice-president of communication, Unity Worldwide Ministries
Linda G. Fisher, noted artist and member of the Ojibwe Nation
Bruce Friedrich, Roman Catholic and director of the Good Food Institute
Rev. Frank Hoffman, United Methodist minister and director of All-Creatures.org
Dr. Armaiti May, veterinarian and Zoroastrian
Milton Mills, MD, urgent care physician and Seventh Day Adventist
Imam Sohaib Sultan, first Muslim chaplain at Princeton University
Will Tuttle, PhD, author of The World Peace Diet and former Zen monk
Suzy Welch, Today show regular and evangelical Christian
Thomas Wade Jackson, filmmaker, Student Academy Award winner
Jerome Flynn, actor, Game of Thrones
Victoria Moran, Main Street Vegan Productions
Holger Eick
Sailesh Rao, PhD, director ClimateHealers.org
Everett Phillips
Patti Breitman, cofounder Dharma Voices for Animals

Evanna Lynch
Luna Lovegood in the Harry Potter films, host of the Chickpeeps Podcast
“I was very moved by the many voices that make up this powerful documentary and by the unwavering conviction with which so many spiritual leaders spoke of the imperativeness to act now, align our actions with our spiritual values and take moral responsibility for humanity’s treatment of animals.”

American musician, songwriter, singer, producer, and animal rights activist.
“This film reminds us that no being should be exempt from grace, kindness and compassion.”