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The Compassion Consortium sponsors or suggests a book, film or compassionate practice for you to consider that relates to our mission. Please join us to discuss and exchange thoughts regarding the topic being explored and its meaning to you. When possible, we will be joined by the book’s author, the film maker, or someone who is an expert in the compassionate practice being discussed.

September's Engaged Practice Circle


September’s Engaged Member Practice is inspired by the Zoroastrian tradition. Reverend Sarah will talk about why dogs are so important in the Zoroastrian faith. She’ll also discuss the Gahambars, which are the six seasonal festivals of Zoroastrianism, and about honoring the harvest season. 


The Engaged Practice Circle is open solely to Engaged Members.  If you'd like to become an Engaged Member, visit our Membership Page

October 4 Blessing of the Animals

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Please join us on Friday, October 4 at 7 PM Eastern time, for a virtual animal blessing ceremony as we celebrate World Animal Day and the feast day of St. Francis.  


If you’d like a blessing for the animals in your life, an animal that has passed on, the animals in nature, or the animals who are exploited for human use, Reverend Sarah Bowen will be offering blessings for them.  You are welcome to have your animal companion with you or to bring a photo of the animal or animals you’d like to be blessed. As always with the Compassion Consortium, this event is open to all people of all faiths, and the animals who are loved by them.


For centuries, October 4 has been known as the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, one of the Catholic church’s patron saints of animals. Francis became known as a patron saint of animals because of several miracles he performed involving animals, and also because of the stories contained in the books by Thomas of Celano, a friend of Francis and his earliest biographer. In addition to the miracles, Thomas related many examples of Francis’s great and all-encompassing love for animals, along with Francis’s conviction that religious faith and care for God’s creatures go hand-in-hand. 


In 1979, Pope John Paul II awarded St. Francis an additional honor, making him patron saint of the environment.


World Animal Day, created in 1925 by Heinrich Zimmerman to raise the awareness of animals and to improve their welfare, has evolved in recent years to also address problems of endangered species as well as those animals who are exposed to environmental devastation. The day serves to remind us that we are caretakers of all animals and living beings, in addition to the animals who share our homes.

Are you feeling compassion fatigue?

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Animal Chaplain Alaina Sigler is offering a much-needed service for those involved in animal advocacy.  Whether you are a shelter worker, founder of an animal rescue, veterinarian or vet technician, or perhaps an activist for wild animals, it’s important to have a safe place where you can find support for the challenges you experience in your work.  It’s also a place where you can provide that support to other animal activists.


The Emotional Support Group for Animal Activists meets the second Monday of every month at 5:00 PM Pacific / 6:00 PM Mountain / 7 PM Central / 8 PM Eastern

The Compassion Consortium, in conjunction with Vegan Meditation, is offering a weekly online peaceful half-hour of vegan-oriented meditation and mindful sharing.

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We’ll meditate together in silence for 15 minutes, then share brief thoughts on a topic related to compassion, mindfulness or veganism. Our aim through this practice is to cultivate greater internal peace and presence, and to bring greater mindfulness and compassion to our interactions with the external world and all its inhabitants. David Simon, the Chair of the Compassion Consortium Advisory Board, will host each week.

We meet Monday evenings at 6pm Pacific / 7pm MT / 8pm CT / 9pm ET.


Animal Companion Loss Grief Support Group

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Are you or someone you know grieving the death of an animal companion? Recently or long ago? All are warmly welcome to join our monthly online gathering on the second Thursday of each month from 6:30-7:30pm ET.


During our time together, we will gently explore all the feelings - grief, guilt, fond memories - with which we’ve been left and support one another by our presence and with words. 

Please bring a photo and story or several to share.


Feel free to contact Ginny at 616.460.0373 with questions.


Info at

A World That Works for All
Whole Planet Spirituality  Retreat October 19-22

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The Spiritual Forum will once again be calling all spiritually minded, planet-conscious and animal-loving people to enjoy three days (October 19-22, Thursday afternoon to Sunday afternoon) of inspiration, learning, renewal and collaboration as we co-create a world that works for all beings on the planet. All lunches and dinners will be organic and plant-based. Vegans, omnivores and vegetarians are all welcome! This year’s theme is “A World That Works for All.”. Keynote speaker will be John Pierre. 


This year’s theme is “A World That Works for All.” We all remember Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous “I have a dream” speech. “A World That Works for All” is a dream. A worthy dream. A dream that calls us to universal love for each other and all sentient life – ahimsa. It certainly is a departure from the experienced reality of our current and past worlds! Whether we look at environmental destruction, species extinction, human and animal exploitation, government corruption or war, it’s easy to find ourselves in a low vibration. But new creation emerges from a higher place. We need to become something different to create something different.


During these three days we will delve into the creative process, engage in inquiry, learn, and play in the realms of ahimsa, imagination and co-creation. We will also enjoy fabulous organic, plant-based meals, engage in spiritual practices, honor our animal friends and enjoy the beautiful grounds of Unity Village. Bring your heart and willingness to connect with other wonderful people who also want to co-create a world that works for all.


Programming Includes (scroll down for schedule):

  • Workshops on Whole Planet Spirituality, health, intersectionality, and co-creating a more beautiful and sustainable world

  • Keynote speaker John Pierre (scroll down to learn more)

  • Morning balance and coordination class

  • Art ministry projects

  • Spiritual practices centered on self-care and inner peace

  • Connection/collaboration with like-hearted people

  • Animals and World Religions traveling exhibit by curator Dr. Lisa Kemmerer

  • Evening social gatherings

  • Meditation, labyrinths, walking trails for renewal, restoration, and self-care

  • Ceremonies to honor animals and habitats

  • Support in making values based lifestyle transitions to align your actions with your heart

  • Support of your creative process and effective action

  • Creative activities to support your inner journey and awaken the world


See Whole Planet Spirituality Retreat | Oct 19-22 2023 — The Spiritual Forum, including 3 levels of registration and pricing.

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