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Join us for our next Sunday Service!
Monthly Sunday Services are on the Fourth Sunday of Every Month
3/26, 4/23, 5/21 ...
(note: May services date is moved to 3rd Sunday due to Memorial Day weekend)
On March 26, 2023, at 4:00 pm ET, the Compassion Consortium will present our special spiritual guest Dharmacharya Seven, a Vegan indigenous Buddhist Dharma Teacher (dharma-acharya) from Los Angeles. Seven spent a semester abroad at Oxford before transferring to UC Berkeley, where he did a pre-doctoral internship at Yale in psychology and then became a doctoral student at UCLA, graduating early to travel to India and Southeast Asia to put scholarship and yoga into serious practice. Seven has been the Dharma editor for Wisdom Quarterly: American Buddhist Journal for a dozen years, which emphasizes insight meditation (vipassana) and serenity practices (shamatha/samadhi).
Our Compassion in Action segment on March 26 will feature the short film Anima: Animals, Faith. Compassion, produced by the The Guibord Center.
Compassion in Action features the short film Anima: Animals, Faith. Compassion
Our Compassion in Action segment on March 26 will feature the short film Anima: Animals, Faith. Compassion, produced by the The Guibord Center.
The Guibord Center – Religion Inside Out partners with faith communities and spiritual organizations to open hearts and minds through a range of programs, public lectures, and immersive events. These experiences reveal the wonder and transformative power at the center of our many religious and spiritual traditions, putting us in touch with something larger than ourselves.
The Guilbord Center invites people everywhere to join in “turning religion inside out”— uncovering and sharing in the common values at the center of our faiths and spiritual practices, such as compassion, respect, and concern for others.
Its current collaborations include Baha’i, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Indigenous Spirituality, Islam, Judaism, Paganism, Sikhism, and Zoroastrianism.
Regarding the short film Anima: Animals. Faith. Compassion: Faith leaders on The Guibord Center Advisory Council had something to say about how far the human race has veered off track in our relationship with and responsibility to animals. Spiritual traditions teach that respect and care for animals are tied to respect and care for the Earth and all of God’s Creation.
The purpose of this short film is to start the conversation about how animals deserve to live and be treated with respect. Our responsibility as humans is to care for the planet we share and do all we can to protect it and the animals that inhabit it with us.
Dr. Lois M. Sprague, President of The Guibord Center, will join us for the presentation.
Join us on April 23 for Sunday service featuring our special spiritual guest, Swami Chidananda of Bhakti Marga America
When: The Fourth Sunday of each month (see upcoming dates at top of this page)
Service from 4 pm - 5:30 pm U.S. Eastern Time
Fellowship is available after the service
How: Currently via Zoom. Register for link.
Why: We recognize that many people do not see their deeply rooted compassion for all creatures reflected in some houses of worship and that some people have left their religion of birth or choice for this reason. The Compassion Consortium is here to supplement this "missing piece" for persons who are part of another religious or spiritual community, and those who are not. We welcome participants of all faiths or none. Learn more about us.
Creative programming: Each month's program is unique, and features either a solo presentation or panel discussion with experts from various religious and philosophical traditions who share the conviction that all living kind, and the planet itself, deserve respect, justice, and loving kindness. View replays of our past services here,
Spiritual practices: Each service also includes elements of traditional worship services—such as music, meditation, and movement. We hope these practices help each participant personally express faith, gratitude, and celebration to the degree that they wish to participate.
4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Eastern time
Guided by:
Reverend William Melton
Reverend Sarah Bowen
Victoria Moran
Welcome and Introduction
The Compassion Consortium Tenets of Agreement
Song of Compassion
Interspecies Spiritual Practice
Conversation with Guest Speaker
Compassion in Action: A Short Story
Blessings & Prayers
Spiritual Fellowship & Open Discussion
The Compassion Consortium is organized pursuant to the New York Not-for Profit Corporation Law and Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and operates as a not-for-profit spiritual, educational, and charitable organization. Accordingly, we request that political, partisan and lobbying discussions and activities be avoided in the Consortium’s activities, forums and social media platforms. We also request that all discussions, input and contributions be conducted with decorum and in a positive spirit of respect, tolerance, civility and harmony.