Interfaith. Interspiritual. Interspecies.
Congratulations to Victoria Moran!
The Compassion Consortium is proud to announce that our own Victoria Moran has been recognized by the North American Vegetarian Society (NAVS) as their 2024 inductee to their Vegan Hall of Fame. As an inductee, Victoria shares the honor with other notables such as Miyoko Schinner, Howard Lyman, Jay and Freya Dinshah, and Mahatma Gandhi.
For more than half a century, Victoria has been a passionate, powerful, and articulate champion for veganism, animal rights, and the practice of ahimsa. Through her books, her speeches, her podcasts, and her everyday actions, she’s shown us how to live a life of compassion and caring for non-human animals, for the earth, for ourselves, and for each other.
Join us on September 15, 2024 for a conversation with our special spiritual guest, Rabbi David Rosen
Join us for our September Sunday service as Victoria Moran speaks with Rabbi David Rosen. In addition to his decades of work in improving relations between those of different faiths, Rabbi Rosen also advocates for improved relations between humans and animals, as well as nurturing and protecting the planet we share. As an Orthodox rabbi, a committed Jew and a committed vegan, Rabbi Rosen believes that compassion should not be reserved for
one isolated segment of society. He believes it should reach across the lines of species to express a universal and expansive action of caring for the entire world.
Our Compassion in Action guest on September 15 will be Reverend Marshall Hammer
Reverend Marshall Hammer serves in many roles as an advocate, healer, and minister, but she is most familiar to the Compassion Consortium as the Program Coordinator for the Animal Chaplaincy Training program. She assists the program director by facilitating program components and student technology as well as leading "listening room" experiences and supporting students in various capacities.
Marshall is an Interfaith/Interspiritual Minister and Reiki Practitioner. Her ministry is composed of multiple callings and passions, all devoted to offering healing presence. She specializes in Animal Reiki and Animal Chaplaincy, though she also uses Reiki with humans, both remotely and in person.
September's Engaged Practice Circle
September’s Engaged Member Practice is inspired by the Zoroastrian tradition. Reverend Sarah will talk about why dogs are so important in the Zoroastrian faith. She’ll also discuss the Gahambars, which are the six seasonal festivals of Zoroastrianism, and about honoring the harvest season.
The Engaged Practice Circle is open solely to Engaged Members. If you'd like to become an Engaged Member, visit our Membership Page.
Compassion Consortium Special Event
Please join us on Friday, October 4 at 7 PM Eastern time, for a virtual animal blessing ceremony as we celebrate World Animal Day and the feast day of St. Francis.
If you’d like a blessing for the animals in your life, an animal that has passed on, the animals in nature, or the animals who are exploited for human use, Reverend Sarah Bowen will be offering blessings for them. You are welcome to have your animal companion with you or to bring a photo of the animal or animals you’d like to be blessed. As always with the Compassion Consortium, this event is open to all people of all faiths, and the animals who are loved by them.
Are you feeling compassion fatigue?
Animal Chaplain Alaina Sigler is offering a much-needed service for those involved in animal advocacy. Whether you are a shelter worker, founder of an animal rescue, veterinarian or vet technician, or perhaps an activist for wild animals, it’s important to have a safe place where you can find support for the challenges you experience in your work. It’s also a place where you can provide that support to other animal activists.
The Emotional Support Group for Animal Activists meets the second Monday of every month at 5:00 PM Pacific / 6:00 PM Mountain / 7 PM Central / 8 PM Eastern
The Compassion Consortium, in conjunction with Vegan Meditation, is offering a weekly online peaceful half-hour of vegan-oriented meditation and mindful sharing.
The Compassion Consortium, in conjunction with Vegan Meditation, is offering a weekly online peaceful half-hour of vegan-oriented meditation and mindful sharing.
We’ll meditate together in silence for 15 minutes, then share brief thoughts on a topic related to compassion, mindfulness or veganism. Our aim through this practice is to cultivate greater internal peace and presence, and to bring greater mindfulness and compassion to our interactions with the external world and all its inhabitants. David Simon, the Chair of the Compassion Consortium Advisory Board, will host each week.
We meet Monday evenings at 6pm Pacific / 7pm MT / 8pm CT / 9pm ET.
Navigating Grief with Rev. Ginny
Animal Companion Loss Grief Support Group
Are you or someone you know grieving the death of an animal companion? Recently or long ago? All are warmly welcome to join Reverend Ginny Mikita's monthly online gathering on the second Thursday of each month from 6:30-7:30pm ET.
During our time together, we will gently explore all the feelings--grief, guilt, fond memories--with which we’ve been left and support one another by our presence and with words.
More information is available at
Check out the Main Street Vegan Podcast for more information on compassionate living.
We're happy to share that the Main Street Vegan Podcast with our own Victoria Moran is back by popular demand, featuring in-depth interviews with vegan luminaries and other folks who have information we wouldn't hear elsewhere. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.
In addition, Victoria has launched a new livestream, The Main Street Vegan Salon, on UnchainedTV. This is a celebrity talk show recorded live in a studio in Manhattan's Theater District. You can find UnchainedTV, Jane Velez-Mitchell's animal rights streaming network, online, or get the free app for access to news, talk shows, movies, reality shows and more, all with a focus on animal rights and compassionate living.
about us
The Compassion Consortium is a non-sectarian center. We offer well-being resources, spiritual guidance, support, and community fellowship to Vegans, Vegetarians, animal rights activists, animal lovers, and all humans who care about and advocate for animals and the planet.
We recognize that many people do not see their deeply rooted compassion for all creatures reflected in houses of worship or spiritual centers; some people have even left faith traditions after seeing animals excluded from the level of mercy they deserve; in many cases, they're even denied the possession of a soul.
The Compassion Consortium is here to supplement this "missing piece" for persons who are part of another religious or spiritual community and those who are not affiliated ("nones") or identify as secular.
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