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Many of you may have seen my initial surprise appearance at a previous Spiritual Service, at which I introduced myself and informed you of my activities as the Mad Vegan Prophet.

Recently, someone asked me what I mean when I call myself the "Mad Vegan Prophet"; i.e., am I mad as in "angry" or mad as in "crazy? At first, this hurt my feelings, but then I realized that this is a fair question. So, let me try to explain.

To be "righteously mad" is typically a reactive emotion of anger over perceived mistreatment, insult, or malice of another. It is akin to what is called the sense of injustice. In some Christian doctrines, righteous anger is considered the only form of anger, which is not sinful, e.g., when Jesus drove those doing animal sacrifices out of the Temple

It may also refer to a morally right or justifiable decision or action or to an action which arises from an outraged sense of justice or morality - an anger aroused by something unjust, mean, or unworthy.

St. Thomas Aquinas stated that "he that is angry without cause, shall be in danger; but he that is angry with cause, shall not be in danger: for without anger, teaching will be useless, judgments unstable, crimes unchecked," and concludes by saying that "to be angry is therefore not always an evil".

So, yes, I am a both a bit angry and probably more than a bit crazy. But there is a reason for this: my "madness" is directed at the mistreatment and injustice suffered by innocent non-human animals every day. But I try to express this madness in a somewhat quasi-humorous manner so as to make my point without being too heavy handed.

And I pray that we can all be "mad" about this issue together.

The Mad Vegan Prophet

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