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Apologies that I posted yesterday about PETA's very first vegan Christmas advert, and now I am posting again. But the issue described below is very aggravating and frustrating to me, so I am sharing it with you:

Personally, I believe:

  1. All of us in the non-human animal rights/vegan community have essentially the same goals.

  2. Within our community, we have different approaches to achieving these goals.

  3. Would it not be more productive if we can acknowledge these different approaches, and stop criticizing, castigating, and "booing" those who believe in a different approach than our own?

  4. Can we all just work together and achieve great things?

For me, it seems that this issue is becoming an increasing impediment to our progress in recent years.

Anyway, just saying ...

Rev. William

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Please read the following:

So, 2 turkeys, Chocolate and Chip, have been pardoned by President Biden for crimes unknown. I am happy for them, and hope they enjoy their retirement years at a farm sanctuary.

That leaves 299,999,998 turkeys that will be convicted and executed this year in the U.S. for crimes that they are not aware they committed.

I realize that this is an annual tradition, and most humans, including the media, think it cute and funny. It is not cute. It is not funny. It is yet another example of "traditional" human cruelty toward other living beings.

Rev. William

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