Apologies that I posted yesterday about PETA's very first vegan Christmas advert, and now I am posting again. But the issue described below is very aggravating and frustrating to me, so I am sharing it with you:
Personally, I believe:
All of us in the non-human animal rights/vegan community have essentially the same goals.
Within our community, we have different approaches to achieving these goals.
Would it not be more productive if we can acknowledge these different approaches, and stop criticizing, castigating, and "booing" those who believe in a different approach than our own?
Can we all just work together and achieve great things?
For me, it seems that this issue is becoming an increasing impediment to our progress in recent years.
Anyway, just saying ...
Rev. William
Her philosophy is my philosophy. It has to be a kinder way. In my experience being mean and judgemental, turns ppl away. I really like Silverstone and her first book, The Kind Diet, is one of the first books I bought while going vegan. Showing people the way to happier, healthier life by showing them how to live well will win over more meat eaters. I know I have reversed two diseases since going vegan (and I do consume junk food, so not just WFPB); and I use that to have conversations about what you eat matters. I am vegan for animals. PPL don't always care about that. I use examples and lifestyle changes to reach ppl whe…
A lot more productive. No booing here.
I agree that most of us have our own way in our Vegan journey. How you influence others should be our own way, there is not right or wrong as long as the outcome is the same.
There is no right way to do anything in life. Every one will make their own way and if in the end it all leads to the same goal than which way is the right way? I hate how we still judge others for their way of living if we are all doing our best to live life. Just listened and if they ask for your opinion you'll still need to be careful.
Respect and love one another.