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“Mother Nature is Incredible!”

This article includes disturbing images. You may not want to read it.

An Alaskan fisherman documented a vibrant, orange-speckled catch, Rock Greenling, that has natural blue flesh, and he shared what the fish looks like after he killed it when cooked.

The fisherman proudly displayed his trophy. "The flesh is blue. It turns white when you cook it. Mother nature is incredible!" He showed how the fully-skinned blue fish fillets changed color when pan-fried in oil.

A lot of people on Facebook were “admiring” the (now dead) Rock Greenling, leaving their thoughts in the comments below:

“Wow! That’s incredible looking.”

“Beautiful! God has a sense of humor.”

“What an incredible, beautiful looking fish!”

“That’s amazing! Had no idea such a fish existed!”

“I hope a mount is made of this fish.”

"That's pretty crazy. I've never seen anything like that."

"That’s amazing!! Had no idea such a fish existed."

Which all confirms that the human species STILL has the singular ability to be both cruel and disgusting at the same time.

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4 commentaires

Sally Zito
Sally Zito
22 sept. 2023

Thank you so much for always including (as opposed to excluding) these authentic reactions of horror, that I wholeheartedly share, to these senseless acts of cruelty, whilst holding also to our spirituality. It is so meaningful to me to be able to come to the Compassion Consortium when I am grieving, and to see also that my friends here grieve with me. I am so saddened by this cruelty. Thank you for sharing about this fish who I will now consciously include in my circle of love and compassion, prayer, and hope for liberation.

Rev. William Melton
23 sept. 2023
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Sally: It is good to hear from you and I hope all is well with you. Thank you for your meaningful comment re: this blog


Joan Richardson
Joan Richardson
22 sept. 2023

My sadness of such ignorance and insensitivity is matched by my gratefulness that I live with love , compassion, honor and respect for all living being . As painful has it is to deal with the horrors and cruelty happening to our fellow living beings , I would not want to live blind to the preciousness "of all creatures below"

Rev. William Melton
22 sept. 2023
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Joan: thanks very much for your comment

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