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Plants and flowers with white buds - Image by Annie Spratt

Interfaith. Interspiritual. Interspecies.


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September 26:
A Sufi-Inspired Service with Guests Duke McLeod and Sande Nosonowitz

 Rev. Sarah shares about how prayer can help heal + a new Song of Compassion pick from Rev. William + a new interspecies practices from Rev. Erika + Victoria interviews guest Duke McLeod + CIA with the Sande Nosonowitz + honoring those we’ve lost through the month then celebrating our joys

August 22:
Celebration of the Upcoming High Holy Days with Guests Rabbi Dr. Schmuly Yanklowitz and April Tam Smith

 Rev. Sarah shares about why all species need rest + a new Song of Compassion pick from Rev. William + a new interspecies practices from Rev. Erika + Victoria interviews guest Rabbi Yanklowitz + CIA with April Tam Smith + honoring those we’ve lost through the month  then celebrating our joys

July 25:
Exploring Hinduism +  the Installation of Rev. William Melton with Guests Gopal Patel and Rev. Carol Saunders

 Rev. Sarah Bowen shares thoughts about "ministry as a verb" and we all celebrate the installation of Rev. William Melton as an ordained Interfaith Minister. Includes guests Gopal D. Patel of Bhumi Global for our spiritual interview & Rev. Carol Saunders for our Compassion in Action segment. Debbie Philp and Ginny Mikita read our Tenets of Agreement. We close with an air ritual for healing those in need, honoring those who have departed, and celebrating the joys of the month.

June 27:
Celebrate PRIDE with Guests Jane Velez Mitchell and Mother Pigeon

 Rev. Sarah Bowen celebrates queer animal species. Rev. William is joined by Hope and Cogen Bonanec in reading our Tenets of Agreement. Beth Ertz offers a Song of Compassion. Rev. Erika Allison offers a walking meditation with some of  the feathered ones of Farm Sanctuary. Guest speaker Jane Velez-Mitchell taka with Victoria about her journey creating a multi-platform social media news outlet that promotes a vegan/compassionate lifestyle. our Compassion in Action segment features Mother Pigeon. We close with a seed ritual for healing those in need, honoring those who have departed, and celebrating the joys of the month.

May 23:
Interspecies Spirituality with Guests Gwenna Hunter and Rachel Borkowski

Rev. Sarah Bowen shares about the intersections of interfaith, interspiritual, and interspecies spirituality. William Melton is joined by Rev. Sue Oliver and Ashwani Garg in reading our Tenets of Agreement. Daniel Redwood offers a Song of Compassion. Rev. Erika Allison shares a petting meditation with help from the beings of Farm Sanctuary. Gwenna Hunter talks with Victoria about founding Vegans for Black Lives Matter and Vegans of LA. Our Compassion in Action segment features Rachel Borkowski of Animal Connection. We close with a water ritual for healing those in need, honoring those who have departed, and celebrating the joys of the month.

April 25:

Launch of the Compassion Consortium! with Guests Bruce Friedrich and Kara Walsh

Bruce shares his temporal and spiritual journey: The Road from the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker House to the Good Food Institute. Our Compassion in Action segment features Kara Walsh, VLCE.

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