UPCOMING MONTHLY SERVICE DATES ARE 8/22/21, 9/26/21, 10/24/21, 11/28/21, 12/26/21...

Interfaith. Interspiritual. Interspecies.
REPLAY: JULY 25, 2021
order of service
Guided by:
Reverend William Melton
Reverend Sarah Bowen
Victoria Moran
Reverend Erika Allison
Welcome and Words of Inspiration
"On being in spiritual leadership"
by Rev. Sarah Bowen
The Installation of Rev. William Melton
by Rev. Sarah followed by reflection from Rev. William
The Compassion Consortium Tenets of Agreement
Introduction by Rev. Sarah
Read by Ginny Mikata and Debbie Philp.
Ginny is an animal rights attorney and chaplain in Michigan. For years, she has regularly officiated Blessings of the Animals and facilitated a monthly Companion Animal Loss Grief Support Group. She recently was honored by the State Bar of Michigan's Animal Law Section with the Brandi Award (established in 2000) to recognize a person in the legal or legislative profession who has done something notable for animals during their career and that has previously been awarded to prosecutors, judges, and legislators. Debbie practices and teaches yoga and Shamanic Reiki and has a deep connection to the Earth's wild beings, especially turtles. She is the founder of Dancing Turtle Rescue, a nonprofit whose mission is to save freshwater turtles by caring for injured turtles and advocating for their habitats.
1. We acknowledge a Divine Force at the heart of the universe, and in all living beings. We may refer to this force as God, but It is known by many names and appears in different forms or as formless.
2. We recognize the common moral principles inherent within all wisdom traditions.
3. We affirm that compassion, reverence for life and nonviolence are fundamental to religious faith and moral philosophy, and are to be extended to all sentient beings.
4. We stand by the principles of inclusion, diversity, and equality, and hold these as essential in our human relations.
5. We hold that nonhuman animals are imbued with the same essence of life and love as are human animals, and that there is moral parity between us.
6. We avow that humans do not own the earth, its resources, or its inhabitants, but instead must be involved in their protection and care.
7. We endeavor to eat and live in a kind and sustainable manner, moving away from animal foods and animal-derived clothing, as well as any activities that cause harm to our fellow beings, human or otherwise.
8. We aim to provide spiritual comfort, fellowship, and food for thought to those practicing or exploring a vegan lifestyle.
9. We offer guidance and peer support for all those seeking a more compassionate and spiritual life.
10. We commit to sharing these principles freely, with humility and respect, in support of nonhuman animals and the earth.
Song of Compassion
A special surprise for Rev. William. Feel free to sing along!
Interspecies Spiritual Practice
Animal reiki practices with Rev. William
Gopal Patel in Conversation with Victoria Moran
Gopal D. Patel has been a faith-based environmental activist, campaigner and consultant for over 10 years, working in India, East Africa, Europe and North America. A recognized global leader in the religious environmental movement, he works regularly with religious and spiritual communities in addressing our current environmental crises. Gopal has been honored for his work by Prince Philip at Buckingham Palace, spoken at the White House, and is regularly invited to speak at the UN. He is Co-Founder and Director of Bhumi Global, a non-profit organization that works to educate and mobilize Hindu communities globally for environmental action, and currently serves as an Advisor on Religion and Sustainable Development to the United Nations. Born and raised in the England, he currently lives with his wife in the New York City Metro Area.
Compassion in Action: A Short Story with Rev. Carol Saunders
A personal sharing and reflection led by Victoria Moran
Rev. Carol Saunders is an ordained Unity and Interfaith Minister (One Spirit Interfaith Seminary); founder/host of The Spiritual Forum, a podcast ministry in Chicago; author of Wolf and the Lamb, an online ministry to awaken the world to the truth that we are all One; and author/compiler of the booklet, The Forgotten Teachings of Charles Fillmore: How Our Relationship with Animals Connects to Universal Love, Ethical Living, Spiritual Development and World Peace. She also is the co-organizer of the upcoming Vegan Spirituality Forum and Retreat at Unity Village, 2021 Vision: A World That Works for All. Her ministry is dedicated to the next moral frontier: widening our circle of compassion to include all sentient beings and to being a voice for the voiceless.
Blessings & Prayers
Sand ritual led by Rev. Sarah Bowen
You will be invited to share the names of your
new arrivals and departed companions in the chat box.
Group Prayer/Blessing
May all creatures everywhere be happy and free.
May the thoughts, words, and actions of our life
contribute to this happiness and this freedom for all.
May it be so. So mote it be.
Closing Remarks & Invitation to Fellowship
If you would like to support the mission and programming of this community, please consider contributing:
Closing Song
"We are all Stars" by Moby
Spiritual Fellowship & Open Discussion
Participants who remain will be randomly sorted into small groups for 20 minutes of Fellowship. We hope you'll join us!
If you found this service meaningful, please contribute your "offering" to help the Compassion Consortium's operating expenses. Thank you!
The Compassion Consortium is being organized pursuant to the New York Not-for Profit Corporation Law and Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (pending), and will operate as a not-for-profit spiritual and educational fellowship. Accordingly, we request that political, partisan and lobbying discussions and activities be avoided in the Consortium’s activities, forums and social media platforms. We also request that all discussions, input and contributions be conducted with decorum and in a positive spirit of respect, tolerance, civility and harmony.